NIE지도사 방과후강사로 교육 활동 시작했어요

Of course, this may not be the only answer, but I wanted to tell you that it’s easy enough to challenge. LOL For those who are interested, I’ll leave a link to where I got help below the post, so please check it out in detail and decide! Go to apply for free sample lectures and materials>>>>The academy directly operates a job support center here, so after obtaining the certificate, you can receive professional support benefits for instructor activities. First of all, we get counseling about career and direction of activities through 1:1 counseling, and then we prepare for employment by sharing resume care and interview know-how accordingly. Then, as a benefit of field training support, we can observe actual classes and gain practical experience so that we can actually do NIE instructor activities!The instructor thoroughly explains the know-how that you would not know without firsthand experience, and practical skills are really important because you have to take care of several children at once. I also liked that I could share those parts one by one in a course, and I was convinced that this NIE class had the effect of logically criticizing and improving my ability to discuss. After taking the course for three months, I succeeded in obtaining a certificate and started preparing for my activities as a NIE instructor right away!This posting received a prescribed manuscript fee after writing an honest review after taking the lecture.What is NIE education?The place where I took the NIE instructor course was a professional academy that was patented for training online instructors. So, it is a practical curriculum and a suitable mixture of theory and practice, so it is a satisfactory place to take the course with the goal of teaching activities. Since it is an online class, you can take the course anytime, anywhere on the Internet, and it is really comfortable to retake the course at any time.In the case of instructors who do not have experience in NIE instructors, it is not easy to work due to lack of practical experience. Then where on earth would they get experience? I think it would have been difficult to pass the interview if I had interviewed here and there to get a job with only my certificate. I prefer instructors with various experiences because I value practical experience and ability levels very important.NIE education is an education method that can greatly improve overall intellectual ability such as logic, criticism, creativity, and information utilization, as well as comprehensive thinking, reading, and writing skills. It has been steadily loved since it was implemented in earnest in the United States in 2004. So, I am going to take the NIE instructor course to proceed with my mother’s vote with the goal of educating children. Today, I am going to share with you how I started and became an instructor!It’s an educational method that uses the information in the Newspaper In Education newspaper to increase the effectiveness of education. The purpose of study is to develop intellectual growth through learning and to develop the purpose, dreams, and directions of my life. But most children simply ‘remember’ knowledge, not ‘acquire’ it. That’s why you can develop the ability to learn and choose for yourself through NIE education!Thanks to the academy, you can take classes at home comfortably, get a certificate, and then get employment support to help you connect your teaching activities. I think I was able to earn income by working as an instructor with such confidence. So if you are thinking of NIE classes with the goal of teaching, I would highly recommend starting with an academy whose main purpose is to train instructors. ^^

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